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Nyt QRP legetøj

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#1  21/05-11 12:20
Jens Petersen

Indlæg: 294
SÃ¥ er der igen nyt fra Elecraft, dennegang en avanceret QRP station - KX3 - som kan stort set alt hvad en K3 kan, men fylder det rene ingenting.

Her fortæller Wayne Burdick, N6KR om sin nye baby: 18/

Der er nævnt priser omkring $800,- og estimeret levering inden årets udgang.


#2  21/05-11 12:57
Søren Rosenberg

Indlæg: 254
Svar til #1:

Ser rigtigt spændende ud. Essentielt en SDR+frontpanel, 10watt (med 100watt pa udvidelsesmulighed), kan køre på internet batteri, intern atu udvidelse der kan tune endefødet wire, dual recieve, kan sågar påmonteres lille kondensermikrofon så den kan bruges håndholdt. Hvem kan sige de ikke ville have sådan en i deres /P setup efter sådan en præsentation.

#3  21/05-11 14:57
Jens Petersen

Indlæg: 294
Svar til #2:
Utroligt at de kan pakke alt det ind i den lille kasse.


#4  22/05-11 10:59
Jens Petersen

Indlæg: 294
Svar til #1:
As an aid to those of you who weren't at Dayton to see the KX3, I'll pass on
the following from the Spec Sheet that was handed out as well as a comment
on the price.

Price first: A little bird told me the targe price would be in the $800
range. I didn't get that from Wayne, but from another Elecraft employee.

There is a disclaimer on the Spec Sheet that reads; This is advance
information. Specifications and option/accessory availability are subject
to change without notice. OK we've got that out of the way.

Everything below is directly from the spec sheet:

° 160-6 meter ham bands; general coverage from 1.6-30 MHz (optional
broadcast-band filter module covers 0.5-1.6 KHz)
°All modes: SSB, CW, Data (four sub-modes), AM FM
°Ultra-compact size: 3.4"H x 7.4"W x 1.7"D; 18 oz. (less options)
°Rear tilt feet fold up for transport
°Custom high-contrast LCD with alphanumeric text display
°Current drain as low as 150 mA in receive mode
°High-performance 32-bit floating-point DSP
°Built-in PSK/TTY decode/encode allows data mode operation without a PC;
transmit in data modes using CW keyer paddle
°Low-noise synthesizer with 1-Hz tuning resolution
°Firmware updateable via provided application software

°Quadrature down-sampling mixer compatible with PC-based SDR
(software-defined-radio) applications
°Receiver I/Q outputs for use with PC soundcard
°Narrow roofing filter option with four bandwidths (500Hz, 1500Hz, 2700Hz,
3800Hz) for excellent dynamic range
°Switchable preamp (2 levels) and attenuator (2 levels)
°8-band receive audio equalizer
°Dual watch over ±10kHz range; uses applicable roofing filter
°Easy-to-use PassBand Tuning (PBT) for shift/width/hicut/locut; roofing
filters automatically track DSP filter settings
°Automatic and manual notch filtering; adjustable noise reduction and noise
blanking; binaural audio effects for enhanced receive
°Center-tuning indicator for CW and data modes
°Built-in speaker; stereo jack for headphones/external speakers

°Adjustable output, 0.1 to 10W+ (100W+ with KXPA100 amp)
°Ruged, SWR and temperature-protected final amplifier stage
°Optional MH3 microphone with PT and UP/DOWN functions
°Optional attached keyer paddle with spacing adjustment
°Switchable PA output impedance for efficient 5-W or 10-W use
°Fast, silent, PIN-diode T-R switching - no relays
°DSP speech processing for excellent "punch"
°8 band equalizer tailors passband to your voice and microphone

°Built in digital voice recorder (DVR) with two message buffers
°Internal CW keyer with 8-50 WPM range
°Six CW/DATA message memories
°100 general-purpose memories store VFO A/B, modes, etc.
°Accessory/RS-232 port for computer control using supplied cable
°Full remote-control command set works with most amateur radio software
applications (emulates Elecraft K3)
°One-click firmware upgrades via the web (with free PC software)
Optional mobile bracket compatible with RAM-mounts
°Tutoriall-style manual ideal for new hams

KXFLE Roofing Filter Module (500/1500/2700/3800 Hz)
KXAT3 Internal, Wide-Range 20-W Automatic Antenna Tuner
KXAM3 Broadcast Band Filter Module (0.5-1.6 MHz)
KXBT3 Internal 8-AA Cell Battery Pack with NiMH Charger (Batteries not
supplied; nonrechanrgeable batteries can also be used)
KXPD3 Precision Keyer Paddle
KXMM3 Mobile Mount Bracket
MH3 Hand Microphone with UP/DN Controls
KUSB RS232 to USB Adapter
KXPA100 High-Performance 160-6 meter, 100-W Amplifier; usable with most 5 to
10 W transceivers
KXAT100 Wide-Range 100-W ATU with Dual Anenna Jacks (attaches to KXPA100

I will add that I actually played with it for a couple of minutes, held it
in my hands and it is remarkably light. There was a sign up list for
getting email when orders will be accepted (late Summer is what the same
little bird told me) For those of you across the pond, Wayne said they did
not have CE approval, yet.

IMHO, the Yaesu FT-817 is dead, long live the KX3!

Chuck K4SC


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