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#1  11/06-12 08:47
Indlæg: 115
er der nogen der ved om man kan åbne en yaesu ft-920 så den køre alle bånd på tx

#2  11/06-12 09:35
Bent Toft

Indlæg: 110
Svar til #1:
Hej Rene

Remove top and bottom cover.

Remove DSP unit and remove or cut green wire that connected between R2544 and Q2510.

Replace DSP unit.

Press and hold STEP and LOCK buttons and POWER ON.

Enter 1 9 8 4 1 2 9 then press ENT.

Test the radio for correct operation.

Turn the radio off and replace top and bottom cover.

The modification is now completed.


Bent Toft - OZ3TT - fone. +4529290120 - e-mail

#3  11/06-12 11:26

Indlæg: 113
Svar til #1:

Den først nævnte metode ( green wire ) er kun på USA Modeller

Turn the power sw off.

Press and hold (step)+(lock) key on the ft-920 then turn the power sw on.

(the display shows 000000 with blinking at msd)

Type '076116' with (up/doun)and (ten key) then press (ent). (A beep will be generated and the display back to frequency mode)


Select f-33 destina with sub rotary dial then press(ent) 6:select std for standard radio amature band.

select outside for open band. with sub rotary dial.

Press (ent) then press (menu).


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