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Germany prefix ???

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#1  06/06-13 17:21
-.: ROD :.-

Indlæg: 1169
skal til tyskland i morgen et par dag / camping og tager radio med , så lidt vhf og hf bliver det til ved tysk strand

kikkede så efter hvad man skal med med rigtig call , men der sku da mange ???

DA Germany DA = Germany
DA0 = Clubstations
DA1...DA9 = individual licenses issued to
members of foreign Nato forces
stationed in DL. Both, VHF
licenses and full priviledge licenses
DB Germany DB = Germany, VHF licenses
DB0 = Repeaters, beacons, club stations with
VHF license
DB1...DB9 = VHF licenses
DC Germany DC = Germany, VHF licenses
DD Germany DD = Germany, VHF licenses
DE Germany DE = Germany, examined SWLs
DF Germany DF = Germany, full privileges
DF0 = Club Stations
DF1..DF9 = individual licenses
DG Germany DG = Germany, VHF licenses
DH Germany DH = Germany, Since May 1st 1998 this prefix
belongs to the full privilege class.
Old licences have been upgraded.
DI Germany DI = Technically Germany, factually not in use,
never issued, no plans to issue DIs
DJ Germany DJ = Germany, full privileges
DJ0 = Legal alien residents
DJ1...DJ9 = German citizens
DK Germany DK = Germany, full privileges
DK0 = Club Stations
DK1...DK9 = Individuals
DL Germany DL = Germany, full privileges
DL0 = Club Stations
DL1...DL9 = Individuals
DM Germany DM = Germany, both lic classes
DM series will only be used in the
boundaries of former East Germany, which
used the DM prefix before East Germany
went to the Y2..Y9 series. DM calls will
only be assigned to radio amateurs, who
actually held a DM call in the past.
DM: Since 1.1.1999 new DM-calls will be
issued to VHF-licensees (also to
those who did not hold a license before)
DN Germany DN = Germany, Training Calls, will only be
used for formal training of unlicensed
prospective hams. Used only by the Trainee
NOT by the Trainer, who has his own call
DO Germany DO = Germany, low power 2m/70 cm only calls
DP Germany DP = German expeditionary calls, used only
for stations operating outside of Germany
in international territories or in space
DQ Germany DQ = technically Germany. Never assigned, and
I am not aware of any plans to assign the
DQ series
DR Germany DR = technically Germany. Never assigned, and
I am not aware of any plans to use the DR
series for amateur radio calls.

QTH 2m 6m 10m 17m 20m 60m
Mobil 70cm 2m 10m 11m 20m 40m

Redigeret 06/06-13 17:25
#2  06/06-13 17:32
Torben Wridt, OZ6TW
Indlæg: 308
Svar til #1:
Hej Rod!
Kald du dig bare DL/OZ1DK!

Go' tur es 73s de Torben, OZ6TW

#3  06/06-13 17:40
-.: ROD :.-

Indlæg: 1169
Svar til #2:


kan se vi kommer til at bo lige over på den anden siden af vandet fra dig :-)

QTH 2m 6m 10m 17m 20m 60m
Mobil 70cm 2m 10m 11m 20m 40m

#4  06/06-13 17:54
Kjeld Thomsen - OZ1FF

Indlæg: 624
Svar til #1:
Det passer nu ikke, at DR ikke bruges. Klubstationer/contestgrupper bruger DR-prefixet.

Vy 73 de ex DJ0XB/OZ1FF - Kjeld

QRV 1,3 - 47 GHz

#5  06/06-13 18:17
Ole Nykjær - OZ2OE

Indlæg: 52
Svar til #1:

- og DI bruges i høj grad til stationer med 70 MHz tilladelse! - så listen har ikke været opdateret de sidste 4-5 år. Go' tur derned.
73 Ole

#6  06/06-13 18:54
Lars Hansen
Indlæg: 197
Svar til #1:

4. Call signs for short-term assignments for foreign radio amateurs without permanent residence in
Germany consist of the national call sign preceded by
„DL /“ for class A or of the national call sign pre-
ceded by „DO/“ for class E or of an appropriate personal call sign according to no. 1.

7. a) the add-on “/m“, in radiotelephony the word “mob
ile“ for mobile amateur stations operated in a
ground vehicle or aboard a watercraft on inland waters,

7. d) the add-on “/p“, in radiotelephony the word “portabl
e“ for portable or temporarily stationary amateur

Mere her : _34_2005_Call_Sign_Plan_rev_225-9-II.pdf nglish/visitors-to-dl/rules-regulations- in-english/

#7  07/06-13 12:01
Indlæg: 728
Svar til #3:
Hej Rod
Er du qrv på 40m i Tyskland,hvor skal du hen,jeg kan se til tyskland over vandet fra min qth.
God Weekend Ronny

#8  07/06-13 19:41
-.: ROD :.-

Indlæg: 1169
Svar til #7:

hej Ronny hvor / tid på 40m. Er også på 2m. Og 20m

QTH 2m 6m 10m 17m 20m 60m
Mobil 70cm 2m 10m 11m 20m 40m

#9  07/06-13 20:45
Indlæg: 728
Svar til #8:
Hej Rod
Nu ved jeg ikke om du er i Tyskland nu eller først imorgen,men ellers er jeg hjemme hele weekenden,så bare sig et tidspunk,måske i morgen ved 0900 tiden på 7175khz f.eks eller i aften engang,jeg går ikke i seng før midnat alligevel.hvor er du henne i Tyskland,jeg kan her fra mit vindue se lige over til Gelting.

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