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Fremtidens radiomodtagere eller radiobølgesensorer?

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#1  30/03-20 19:00
Glenn Møller-Holst
Indlæg: 750
Fremtidens radiomodtagere eller radiobølgesensorer incl. for radioamatører?:

March 30, 2020, Quantum Sensor That Covers Entire Radio Frequency Spectrum Created by Army Scientists. ers-entire-radio-frequency-spectrum-crea ted-by-army-scientists/
Citat: "...
A quantum sensor could give Soldiers a way to detect communication signals over the entire radio frequency spectrum, from 0 to 100 GHz, said researchers from the Army.
Such wide spectral coverage by a single antenna is impossible with a traditional receiver system, and would require multiple systems of individual antennas, amplifiers, and other components.
“These new sensors can be very small and virtually undetectable, giving Soldiers a disruptive advantage,” Meyer said.


Reference: “Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics” by David H Meyer, Zachary A Castillo, Kevin C Cox and Paul D Kunz, 10 January 2020, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/ab6051 6455/ab6051

Supplementary data (568 KB, PDF): /media/B_ab6051_supp_data.pdf

Glenn, OZ1HFT

Redigeret 30/03-20 19:38
#4  31/03-20 09:27
Troels Folke
Indlæg: 2
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Ret interessant.

#5  06/04-20 21:29
Ole Sørensen
Indlæg: 22
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Tak for Link til interessante emner!

#6  07/04-20 14:42
Jesper Hostrup

Indlæg: 85
Svar til #1:
Gad vide, om det virker den anden vej? Til at sende med? Og gad vide, hvor mange watt man kan nøjes med at bruge??

Meget interessant emne, tak for linket!

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