#1 | 16/11-23 08:46 |
Michael Sørensen - OZ7MKS
Indlæg: 34
Vi har i Skive afdelingen modtaget følgende spørgsmål, som jeg hermed stiller videre:
" Hi, as Your club is QRV on most NAC-contests and we worked a number of times, maybe you know something about the beacon OZ6VHF in JO57ei with the great dit - dit - dit.... carrier It has recently been active on 50.053.8 kHz. It was very loud back in the years 2000 - 2005, but then something happened and the signal became some 40 dB's lower. Just recently, the last 3 weeks, the signal is gone. Has this beacon been switched off, or maybe moved to the new beacon allocation of 50400 - 50500 ? Do any of You know any details ? Just want to know ;). The carrier dit - dit- dit... is the BEST beacon carrier in all bands. Easily heard away from any spuriouses and false signals. Best regards, and hope to work you on 6m in the future ! SM6EHY Björn " Håber nogle kan kaste lys over emnet, på forhånd tak. ---------- Vy 73 de OZ7MKS Michael |
#2 | 16/11-23 12:08 |
PMA (Privat)
Indlæg: 42
Svar til #1:
Hej Jeg mener det er OZ1IPU John Sørensen ( DMT Online ) der er ansvarshavende, han ved nok lidt om det MVH Pma |